Application letter to bank manager for lost passbook

Application letter to bank manager for lost passbook


The Branch Manager
Indian Overseas Bank,
North Lakhimpur, Lakhimpur

Subject: Application letter to bank manager for lost passbook

Dear Sir,

This is to bring the fact to your kind notice that I lost our office passbook A/C No.xxxxxxx about a few days ago. Therefore I would be much obliged if you can issue a new passbook.

Thanking you.

Secretary Gaon Panchayat
Dejoo G.P.

Application for new passbook for lost

The Branch Manager
Indian Bank,
North Lakhimpur, Lakhimpur

Subject: Application for new passbook for lost.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request the issue of a new passbook for my savings account [Account Number] at [Bank Name]. My current passbook has been lost and I would like to receive a new one as soon as possible.

I would appreciate it if you could also update my new passbook with my recent transactions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you require any additional information or documentation from me.


[Your Name]

Application for lost passbook to bank manager

The Branch Manager
State Bank of Indian,
North Lakhimpur, Lakhimpur

Subject: Application for lost passbook to bank manager.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a new passbook for my savings account [Account Number] at [Bank Name]. My current passbook has been damaged due to water leakage and is no longer readable.

I understand that I will need to provide valid identification documents, such as my [ID Type] card or passport, to facilitate the issuance of a new passbook. I am available to provide these documents at the bank’s earliest convenience.
Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could also update my new passbook with my recent transactions.
I am aware that there may be fees associated with the issuance of a new passbook, and I am willing to comply with the bank’s policies and procedures regarding this matter.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you require any additional information or documentation from me.


[Your Name]

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