Application for leave l Sick Leave Application

Application for leave l Sick Leave Application l

Application for leave :

Application for leave is a request made by an employee to their employer which seeks permission to take either a day off or time off from work. It is important to make a formal request in writing in order to maintain proper records and to ensure that the process is handled properly.

It is important to include details such as a specific end date, the type of leave being requested, any foreseeable impacts on the workflow, and any proposed accommodations to ensure smooth operation in the employee’s absence. Ultimately, the employer may grant or reject the request depending on their policies and operational procedures.

1. Sick Leave Application .

                                                                                               Date: 19.07.20………
The Principal,
Don Bos School,
Sub :  Application for Sick leave.
Dear Sir,
 Since last evening, I have been suffering from high fever and severe body ache accompanied by vomiting. I have to meet a doctor at the earliest and get the necessary medical treatment. Therefore I request you to grant me sick leave w.e.f. 20.07.20….. to 25.07.20…… .
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Jitu Ahmed
Class Teacher/Subject Teacher

(Class IV) (English)

2. Casual leave application

Date: Jan. 15, 20…..



The Headmistress,
St Mary’s High School,

Sub: Application for casual leave.

Dear Madam,

I am planning to take my husband to International Hospitalet Guwahati, for a thorough medical check-up as he has been suffering from some trouble in the kidneys. Therefore, I would be much obliged if you could grant me three days of casual leave w.e.f 16.2.20…….to 19.2.20…… .
Thanking you,


Yours sincerely,

  Mantu Kalita
Class Teacher/Subject Teacher
(Class V)(English)

3. Leave application for marriage. (Student’s)

                                                                                       Date: March 9, 20….



The Principal,
Shankar Dev Sec. School,

Sub: Application for  marriage leave.


Dear Sir,

              I am Priya Das, a student of class X of your school. Myeldest brother is getting married on 12th March, 20…….. .   In thisregard I have been entrusted with some responsibilities which would prevent me from attending my classes for few days. Therefore I request you to grant me leave for five days from 10th March to 14th March 20…. .

Thanking you,

                                                                                                Yours obediently,
                                                                                                Priya Das
                                                                                                Class X student
                                                                                                Roll No 2

4. Casual leave for one day

The Chief Executive officer
Lakhimpur Zilla Parishad,
North Lakhimpur

Sub: Casual leave for one day.

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I wouldn’t be able to perform my duty on 26/08/2020 due to my health treatment (High BP & Sugar).
Therefore, I would like to request you to kindly grant my casual leave for the day.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

Shri Jiten Sharma
Dejoo Gaon Panchayat

You can use this letter for these Queries Also :

  • application for leave
  • application for casual leave
  • application for sick leave
  • leave letter for fever
  • sick leave application
  • leave application
  • casual leave
  • leave letter in english
  • casual leave application
  • leave letter to class teacher
  • sick leave application for school
  • leave application in english
  • fever leave letter
  • application for sick leave in school

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